Offered by Integrative Counseling
Outpatient Addiction Treatment (IC)
Integrative Counseling offers group, individual, and family treatment for Substance Abuse. We are State of Maryland Licensed and nationally accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) to offer Outpatient Treatment as well as DWI/DUI education to address legal concerns following a DUI/DWI arrest. For DUI/DWI-specific information, please see our DUI/DWI page.

Groups are offered most days of the week and at different times of the day to meet most schedules. Clients are requested to choose one particular group time as a “Regular Group”, but may attend different times or days as schedules change. Just call your counselor to arrange attending a different time. We try to make this as easy as possible to meet your needs. Clients may also choose to attend multiple days per week to meet their needs.
Call us to set up an assessment to see how we might help you!
Suboxone and Buprenorphine Therapy for Opiate Dependence
Integrative Counseling is pleased to work with our psychiatrists who offer Suboxone or Buprenorphine medication management to manage withdrawal from opiate drugs such as over the counter pain medications or illegal opiate drugs. Withdrawal from opiates has often been described as feeling like having the flu, but ten times worse! Suboxone and Buprenorphine treatment can eliminate withdrawal symptoms while it eliminates cravings, making it easier for people to stay abstinent while they make needed life changes.
Clients are also encouraged to attend outpatient treatment groups in order to learn how to make those needed changes while examining their own personal needs and goals. They may choose to attend an Opiate Treatment Group where members of the group are all clients recovering from opiate dependence or any of eight other treatment groups offered day and evening throughout the week. Those choosing to attend group treatment may be eligible to either see their doctor less often or receive a reduced rate for group sessions.
DUI/DWI Counseling, Treatment, and Education
Have you been arrested for a DUI or DWI? Have you been charged with CDS possession or paraphernalia? If you have been to court and have been ordered by the judge to attend Alcohol or Substance Abuse Education and/or treatment, then we have the classes you need to fulfill this requirement and in less time than you may think.
If you have not been to court yet, it is best to get an assessment and start either treatment or education before going to court. As attorneys will most likely tell you, this lets the judge know that you are taking responsibility and that you have already had a professional assessment.
Integrative Counseling is a State of Maryland Licensed Substance Treatment Facility offering a broad range of educational and treatment services for adults and adolescents in a safe non-judgmental environment.
DUI/DWI Education
After receiving a DUI/DWI people will need to attend either treatment or education. It is best to get an assessment and start either treatment or education before going to court. As attorneys will most likely tell you, judges look favorably on taking personal responsibility and having a professional assessment.
Integrative Counseling is State of Maryland licensed to offer DWI/DUI education as required by judges and the Maryland MVA. The first step to see if you are appropriate for a 12-hour education program is to call to schedule an assessment. Please see our Contact Us page and let us know how we may be of Service!
Weekend Alcohol and Marijuana Education Program
Sessions run once a month from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Call to see when you can attend next.
Integrative Counseling offers a 12-hour brief education and treatment program for adults. This program is certified by the State of Maryland as an Early Intervention Level 0.5 Education Program. Clients will learn about the effects of alcohol or marijuana on their life, their brain, driving, family, and the law. It includes all of the DUI/DWI education program topics. The first step to see if you are appropriate for a 12-hour education program is to call to schedule an assessment. It is best to get an assessment and start either treatment or education before going to court. Attorneys tell us this lets the judge know the client is taking responsibility and that they have already had a professional assessment.
Persons who have already been convicted of a DUI/DWI AND have been court-ordered to complete a DUI/DWI program are NOT able to attend a weekend program and would attend our six-week class instead (in accordance with COMAR